Bird Photography
Being the focus of my career based work, birds have been my source of passion within the wildlife field since my college days. Birds provide an infinite amount of character, beauty, and flavor to the landscape that would otherwise be void of such tendencies. The 11,000 bird species present on Earth represent some of the most common creatures anywhere, such as the House Sparrow- and also some of the most specialized, localized, incredibly rare species discovered by science. Birds have been a subject of curiosity to researchers for over 250 years, and among wildlife are some of the most well-described and understood animals out there.
I have been using birds as photographic subjects since I started taking my first photos. The splendor and animation birds add to a scene can completely alter how I capture a photo, and also how the viewer can interpret the photograph.

White-crowned Sparrow - Greater Vancouver BC

Northern Parula - Jefferson Parish Louisiana

Blackpoll Warbler - Coconino Co. Arizona
Short-billed Gull juvenile - Lake Co. Montana
Tree Swallow - Flathead Co. Montana

Sandhill Cranes - Rio Grande Co. Colorado

American Pipit - Coconino Co. Arizona

Red-naped Sapsucker - Yavapai Co. Arizona
Streak-backed Oriole female - Maricopa Co. Arizona
Black-throated Green Warbler - Maricopa Co. Arizona

Says Phoebe juvenile - Maricopa Co. Arizona

Acorn Woodpecker - Coconino Co. Arizona

Cinnamon Teal - Coconino Co. Arizona